Akwaaba! Welcome

We started this blog in 2010, when we lived in Nairobi, Kenya from January through May (thanks to a Fullbright grant) and in Accra, Ghana from August to December (thanks to the Calvin College program in Ghana). We'll post to it again soon. We'll be traveling with Calvin students in Uganda in January 2012.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Photos with the Calvin students

I'm not sure whether it's our slow connection or the inherent mental deficiency in the Blogger editor, but combining text and photos has been  an unending source of frustration. The new plan: photos in one post, text in another. The previous group are all from Ulungu: the 96-year-old grandmother, the football game, the construction project and crew, and David preaching. Here is a group photo from the Aberdares, plus two pics of the group that climbed Nzabani Rock before church last Sunday.
