Akwaaba! Welcome

We started this blog in 2010, when we lived in Nairobi, Kenya from January through May (thanks to a Fullbright grant) and in Accra, Ghana from August to December (thanks to the Calvin College program in Ghana). We'll post to it again soon. We'll be traveling with Calvin students in Uganda in January 2012.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Setting out for the coast for a few days

Just a quick note to say that we're heading off to Mombasa on an overnight bus, then spending a few days with our dear friend Beverly Dezan exploring the North Coast: marine parks, butterfly farms, an ancient city, and a research center/lodge run by A Rocha, the international Christian environmental organization. Beverly arrived last night from New York, via Zurich, and will be with us for a bit more than two weeks.

My class at Daystar is going very well, I think: it grew from 22 students the first week to 52 the second week, but in the third week it seems to be leveling off. I am in the middle of grading the first written assignment ("What does Socrates mean by living an examined life?") and am finding the students mostly quite proficient in written English, highly varied in their ability to catch the heart of the philosophical enterprise. In other words, just like my Calvin classes! They tend to listen very closely and write lots of notes, but in each class a few speak up with interesting questions--some of them very perceptive.

One feature that is very different from home is the distance I have to commute between home and classroom. From "Lecture Hall 4" I can look out the window onto the back balcony of our flat, and when I give the students a 15 minute break in the middle (all undergrad classes here meet for one three-hour block each week) I can drop in at home for a cup of tea before it's time to resume. Rather different from my 37-mile one-way commute back home.
